- The Power of Parameterizable Objects in Modern User Interfaces.
(together with G. Haring, M. Tscheligi, F. Penz) Proceedings of the IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction INTERACT´90, Cambridge, UK, 27. - 31. August 1990, North-Holland. Talk.
- The World of Objects-A Visual Object Based Interaction Language.
(together with M. Tscheligi, F. Penz) 10th Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Informatics and Psychology", Schaerding, 21. - 23. Mai 1991, Academic Press.
- N/JOY- The World of Objects.
(together with M. Tscheligi, F. Penz) Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages, Kobe, Japan 8. - 11. Oktober 1991. Talk.
- Interaction Objects - A paradigm for intuitive user interfaces.
(together with M. Tscheligi, F. Penz) Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, 13. - 16. Oktober 1991. Talk.
- Designalternativen für Direkt Manipulative Benutzerschnittstellen.
(together with M. Tscheligi, F. Penz) Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, Springer.
- GUI-Gestaltung für C und C++
(together with G. Pigel) Computer Revue 7-8/1993
- A high-level, structural Model of the User Interface
Poster Proceedings of the Human Computer Interaction International '93, Orlando, August 1993 Poster.
- Wizard: Non-WIMP oriented Prototyping of Direct Manipulative Behavior
(together with M. Tscheligi) Conference Companion, Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '94, Boston, MA, April 1994 Poster.
- Razvojna orodja za sisteme vodenja procesov in zajemanja podatkov
(User Interface Tools for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems) (together with Matjaz Debevc, Rajko Svecko, Dali Donlagic) Proceedings of the Third Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK'94, Portoroz,Slovenija, Sept 1994
- Methods & Tools for Supporting the User Interface Design Process
(together with R. Kolli, D.A. Bell, A. Gupta) Proceedings of the Open Joint Meeting IFIP WG 2.7 and IFIP WG 13.2: Methodology and Tools for User Interface Design, Loughborough, UK, September 1994 Springer Verlag London
- Benutzerfreundlichkeit im Test
Computerwelt 10/95
- Softwareergonomie und die Organisation: Auswirkung der Einführung von Usability auf das Unternehmen
humanware 3/96
- Usability Engineering: Der Weg zu bedienungsfreundlicher Software
PCNews 50, 11/96
- Softwareergonomie: Arbeitnehmerschutz durch Usability
Monitor 11/96
- Wird die Zukunft bedienungsfreundlich? Interaktion Mensch-Computer
Computerwelt 05/97
- Softwareergonomie und die Organisation
Computerwelt 07/97
- Informationsdesign für eine interaktive Städtepräsentation im Web
Monitor 9/97
- Integration von Usability und Qualitätsmanagement
Computerwelt 10/97
- Nach Usability Untersuchung: "wien online in neuem Design"
PCNews 58, 06/98
- Prototyping - Theorie und Praxis
- Ergonomie & Informatik, Ausg. 33, August 1998
- Multimedia Usability
Monitor 12/98
- Case study: User interface for a telephone mailbox system in:
"User Interface Design for Electronic Devices", Baumann, Taylor&Francis, 2000
- Co-Author of "Web Usability, Das Prinzip des Vertrauens"
2001, Galileo, Bonn, Germany
- "Usability", in Zwerger et. al.: E-Business-Projekte - Warum sie scheitern und wie man sie zum Erfolg führt
Galileo 2002
- Usability Engineering für Webprojekte
(together with Jörg Linder und Norbert Zellhofer), Whitepaper.
- Eye tracking in usability research: What users really see.
(together with Norbert Zellhofer) Usability Symposium 2005: 141-152, 2005